Signing up with LocalParty.Org is easy

When you email us, we place your email address in the category of interested people. We sort your information by city and/or county, and when enough people (in general about 40 people) have emailed us from your city or county, we will email you back to find out if you want to become actively involved. So, the first step does not involve a commitment yet. Plans are in the making to send out a monthly webpage with information about LocalParty.Org and about the progress made towards setting up individual Local Parties.

The Local Parties we are setting up all over California consist of mainstream people, politicians and organizers. While mainstream and grassroots may appear to not fit in one and the same box, the Local Party is looking exactly for what is the usual and the normal in your county or city. Of course a Local Party can have a little different color than the party that has been running the political show for the last twenty years and a half, but being runner-up has no value in district elections, so we really want to go for what has been successful in the past — and then do it a little bit better. Even when only somewhat successful, competition alone will augment the attention span of all politicians in your city or county by at least a factor of two.

Once 40 people in your location have shown interest, you will be invited to join the historic event of setting up a Local Party. Some of the 40 interested people are expected to have organizational skills (not necessarily political skills), and may have been contacted earlier to help with the prep work to set up your Local Party. When you include your organizational skills in your email, we can consider that information for this set-up phase. Or, you may ask just to be placed on a mailing list to receive updates on the latest Local Party developments in your city or county.

If you consider helping set up a Local Party, we will help you set it up. For the first phase, we are looking for about 6 people to handle the necessary work of setting up a Local Party. Once these 6 people have done the initial work, they will actively go out recruiting more people to help strengthen the Local Party in your county. If you are one of the other 40 people who has shown an initial interest, you will be asked again if you are interested to help further this political movement.

The final step is that the newly formed Local Party needs to lign up with the LocalParty.Org ideology. This can be simple, since you already know that the main clue for any Local Party is to stay close to what already is in demand. For your Local Party to receive an official certificate of approval from LocalParty.Org, the following needs to be supplied:

* Your Local Party's program

* Your City or County's voting record of the last twelve years. We are NOT interested in what the City Council or Board of Supervisors voted for; we want to know what the voters voted for in regular elections, intiatives, and measures over the past twelve years.

* A list of candidates for the Local Party in your City or County, with two email addresses — one to be used as contact address for LocalParty.Org and one email address to be used to forwarding address, for instance, for requests for information about your Local Party coming in from citizens in your district or for inquiries from news papers.

The first step is really easy: email us back. There are no commitments (and no monthly magazine as of yet) and you may be the one person that helps fill the 40 minimum requirement in your city or county. We are waiting for you.




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