What you can do to help improve the local electoral system
Send us an email that you want to join us. Participation and membership are always free.
The two current strategies are putting a legal challenge in place and competing with the current party dominating your city, using their own political agenda.
The legal challenge is a work in progress for which legal experts are invited. Contact us if you want to help.
Local Parties are set up by you. Contact LocalParty.Org
about setting up or joining a Local Party in your city or county. If no Local Party exists in your city or county, the Org is there to help you set up your independent
Local Party.
The strategy is that Local Party candidates propose more or less exactly what has been popular over the years. The only exception is that candidates also desire Proportional Voting; it's that simple. Contact us if you want to set up a Local Party or want to run as a Local Party candidate.
You don't have to join anything to be part of the
conversation and help create change. You can simply do so by becoming
a participant. Since promoting discussion and delivering
education on political systems and options is important, you can become a participant today. All you need
to do is speak up about the existence of different political systems,
point to the shortcomings of our system that can be remedied, and
every now and then (but not necessarily often) mention LocalParty.Org.
Communication about our political reality is vital. You probably agree that a lot of people desire more political freedom,
but that many follow this up with "that will most likely not
happen in my life time." Help till this soil of negativity,
get the ground ready for a more fertile attitude towards change:
together we can make the tulips of equal representation grow.
Requesting a LocalParty.Org-affiliation
Groups that already exist and that are active on the political
front may consider applying for a Local Party-affiliation. We welcome
you often as who you are. Your local experience and your
local knowledge is vital in making democracy work. Possibly you
are a political watchdog organization, or a grassroots organization
trying to influence the political platform in place, or a discussion
group ready to take it one step higher. If your group desires Proportional Voting where you live, contact us.
Contact us and become part of our movement for empowering change.
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